
The Return of the Attack of the 2012 Iowa Caucus

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)1/03/2012 9:09:48 pm PST

re: #298 ProLifeLiberal

I came out Liberal, but somewhat twisted. I’m willing to use the same tactics back to the Republicans. Such as denial of funds to areas that need it.

If it was up to me, there would be no disaster funding to the south. They don’t like Federal Interference, they don’t get any money after a Hurricane decides to shred Mobile.

COS has made me an incredibly Machiavellian Social Democrat.

I wouldn’t want to punish a whole region because of assholery. I do share your irritation though. And by the way this is why Ron Paul pisses me off. He whines about the federal government but has no problem using it to get pork for his district. I know people like Paul. They bitch about the government yet have no problem utilizing it.