
Sunday Afternoon Jam: Daryl Hall With Cee Lo Green, 'I Can't Go for That'

TedStriker10/07/2012 8:05:00 pm PDT

re: #248 Killgore Trout

Maybe a bit of an asshole, maybe a bit of a douche. But at the end of the day he’s a shill. You don’t see him saying “screw them” when seeing contractors killed under Obama’s watch, that’s only for Republican administrations. I’m sure he’d be front and center on the Libyan consulate attack if a Republican was in office. He’d also be screaming about Drone strikes, Indefinite detention and mismanagement of the war in Afghanistan aw well as the continuing operation of GITMO. He’s a shill. Nothing more, nothing less.

So, lemme get this straight: Markos gets pissed about mercenaries in Iraq (that got paid about 20x what troops that still worked for Uncle Sam made in a month) that get killed, strung up, and splashed all over the media, while some active-duty troops that were killed that same day are pretty much ignored by said media. I’ll admit that I certainly didn’t like his “screw ‘em” remarks and still don’t, but now I understand why he made them, but seriously, that makes Markos a Democrat shill?
