
President Obama's Statement on the Boston Bombers

Dark_Falcon4/20/2013 9:03:11 am PDT

re: #279 William Barnett-Lewis

DF, the two idiots in Boston were criminals, pure and simple, like all terrorists are. The criminal justice system is more than able to deal with them. See OKC, Unibomber & the first WTC bombing for more than sufficient proof. We have never, I say again - NEVER - needed anything other than the criminal justice system and the rest - The Unpatriot Act, Gitmo, etc - were all needless & unconstitutional abuses of people that should have simply been tried & if convicted sitting in a normal high security prison here in the US.

I don’t want this asshole sitting in a high security prison. I want him charged federally, I want him tried, I want him convicted, and then I want him put to death. A life sentence is the wrong message with this sort of terrorist. He needs to be killed.

Please note: I am not calling for this scumbag to be killed out of hand. I want him judged, not lynched.