
CPAC 2014, Festival of Lunacy Photo Gallery, Featuring Cowboy Reagan

chadu3/08/2014 8:39:16 pm PST

re: #289 jamesfirecat

True I was just suggesting that since people tend to love to draw comparisons between the verse of Firefly and the civil war, I was trying to set up another when were semi-rich people from the core worlds would have headed out to more uncivilized parts to be a big fish in a small pond.

In many regards, Inara’s friend Nandi (the madame in “Heart of Gold”) did exactly that — as a Companion Academy-trained individual. The Academy is on Shinon, one of the two capital worlds of the Alliance (the other is Londinium*), so one of the Corest of Core Worlds.

* My personal fanon is that the name Londinium connects Firefly to Batman ‘66, per the latters episodes “The Londinium Larcenies/The Foggiest Notion/The Bloody Tower,” set in Swinging Londinium.**

** My brain is a fun place to live.