
Monday Jam: Mayer Hawthorne - "The Stars Are Ours" Live on KCRW

GunstarGreen3/25/2014 6:49:17 am PDT

So, yesterday Erick, son of Erick used his WSB radio show here in the great state of Georgiastan to try to explain how the Hobby Lobby case is about “freedom of religion vs. freedom of worship”. Basically, arguing that it’s not really freedom of religion if you’re not free to practice your faith outside of your church.

He ignored (probably willfully) the fact that you are as free as you can be to practice your religion in relation to yourself. Do you believe that abortion and birth control are wrong, according to your religion? Fine, don’t do/use them. Do you believe that divorce is a sin? Fine, don’t get divorced.

Where your “freedom of religion” ends is when you try to use your business as a tool to force your religious beliefs onto me. “Comply with my religion or else”. I can only hope that the USSC understands this and does the right thing.