
The Michael Brown Shooting Incident Report Is Ridiculous

Birth Control Works8/22/2014 1:31:40 pm PDT

re: #296 rhuarc

AKC is 15 months. USDAA is 18 months. UKI is 15 (nursery and speedstakes) or 18 months (everything else). NADAC is 18 months. UKC appears to be 12 months. I have never competed in UKC so was surprised to see the age at 12 months. A lot of people don’t even start training their dog for agility until that age. They spend that first year just working on the bond with the dog and doing simple team building games.

I start with puppy agility as soon as possible. Great exercise for mind and body. Even if the dog isn’t going to compete for a title —it’s a great weekly class for any dog to attend.

AND a good lead in to more formal Obedience. I don’t do Rally, I just don’t think it’s as good a transition to Obedience as is agility.

Tired Puppies make happy owners!