
Debunking Another Fear-Mongering Right Wing Myth About Ebola: The "42 Day Incubation Period"

klys (maker of Silmarils)10/21/2014 10:30:07 am PDT

re: #302 yoshicastmaster

But seriously, if the best math, science, whatever that we have predicts that 3-5% of ebola cases incubate longer than 21 days, then you tell me: is 21 days the maximum incubation period for ebola? I’m going with “no.”

That may reflect the difficulty in determining when exposure happened, because these are not nicely controlled studies but working with the data available on hand.

However, you may find it to be of interest that the scientists who have been studying the current outbreak are comfortable with the 21 day monitoring period:

The measured duration of the incubation period, and its variation, imply that the advice to follow case contacts for 21 days1 is appropriate.

There is also an interesting article here that looks at older data sets - but like most science, it points out that it’s very hard to identify a maximum limit because statistically people are weird, and so what the incubation period typically references is the point where the vast majority of cases will occur in.

Science is relatively allergic to absolutes. So if you want to argue pedantics, ok. I’m not going to stand in your way on that. But I’m not going to freak out either.