
Vox Misrepresents Obama's 2008 Vaccination Stance

BeachDem2/02/2015 3:13:08 pm PST

re: #299 Justanotherhuman

I wonder if he refers anyone to a real practicing cardiologist who will actually treat them?

Otherwise, he’s opening himself up to a shitload of lawsuits when people start keeling over left and right.

Sounds as though he might only get patients who are afraid of the truth.

You don’t treat cardiovascular disease with “nutrition” alone. I’ve never known a good diet that would totally lower my genetically inherited cholesterol level nor blood pressure, and while I don’t have heart disease, untreated conditions like those, plus diabetes, can lead to heart disease.

This guy is irresponsible.

Oh pish-tosh—he’s a PALEO cardiologist, don’t ya know! And the lovely Heather showed him the righteous path. And he’s obviously got a heart as big as all outdoors—///

The CNN interviewer asked Wolfson repeatedly if he could live with himself if his unvaccinated child got other children, like Sacks’ daughter, fatally sick.

I could live with myself easily. It’s an unfortunate thing that people die, but people die. And I’m not going to put my child at risk to save another child,” he said.

(I’ll go you one further than irresponsible and float heartless, mean and off his rocker.)