
UK Intelligence Officials Vouch for Credibility of Trump "Golden Showers" Dossier

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)1/12/2017 5:04:15 pm PST

re: #299 Anymouse

I didn’t say Evangelical=Enemy. I didn’t say I hated them either. If an Evangelical simply came up to me and started conversation or something, I would never know they were an Evangelical unless they told me (or started preaching to me, or threatened me, &c). But once they tell me their ideology, I have to frame it in terms of where that ideology leads.

Evangelicals in this country have a long history of killing people they don’t like. (African-Americans, abortion proponents, Muslims, Catholics, pretty much anyone not in the subset “Evangelical.”) While I can’t say what percentage would take my rights away from me, I have President Geo. HW Bush’s remark “I don’t think atheists can be patriotic nor should be citizens.” (While I was in the Navy not being patriotic.)

If an Evangelical president can say that about a significant fraction of the Armed Forces (and by extension though he didn’t say it, Gold Star Families), how many of his followers think the same?

Dinner’s up, gotta go.

Okay, you don’t but Zig certainly has viewed them like enemies in the past. And fwiw Bush I isn’t an Evangelical Christian. Doesn’t make his bigoted and stupid statement better but since you’re using it to shape your perception of Evangelicals. As I said I’m no fan of them either but I still ultimately do believe in treating people as individuals. You bring up their hostility towards African Americans, one can just as easily cite the role of northern Evangelicals in the abolition movement and believe me as someone from a Catholic family, I’m well aware of their intolerant history to them. My point is why should you be able to judge someone for their group and not be wrong but someone who does the same to Muslims and non believers isn’t. Take it easy but my message was really aimed at Ziggy who has been making generalized statements long before you joined lgf.