
Video: Trump's Complete Unhinged Press Conference

JordanRules2/16/2017 8:17:43 pm PST

Greetings All,

Just joined after lurking for a while. Found this wonderful place via Balloon Juice. Waves hi to the hybrid lizard jackals

Looking forward to joining the discussion. I really appreciate the sanity and sheer amount of info his place provides. Also love how much thought, work and functionality Charles has put into this space. It’s really impressive.

One thing I’m likely to do, is provide tidbits from having lived in what many call “the hood”. This will include unfair expenses (hood taxes), resource inaccessibility, disparate treatment from service providers and unique environmental and infrastructure neglect. (shout out Flint). Then we can discuss how somehow these areas still produce voters who don’t sign up for bigotry and destructiveness. Should be good times! ;)

Since I’m new in the house and have good manners, I’m going to chill and enjoy the drinks for a while first.