
Video: Keith Olbermann Signs Off With "Trump Is Finished"

majii11/27/2017 9:21:11 pm PST

re: #249 Belafon

“There are always going to be people who dislike “others” and are willing to use them as scapegoats, even to the point of massacring them. It’s sad, and all we can do is stay ahead of them, which we fail to do because we get complacent.”

I’m over 60, and I’ve never had the luxury of becoming complacent where race and a whole lot of other things are concerned. Being born black in America is a hell of a way to live because you’re constantly confronted with someone who has preconceived opinions about you no matter how much you’ve accomplished in your life. Some Americans cannot move beyond others’ skin colors. Why? I have no idea, but I’ve long thought that it has everything to do with ensuring that those they’ve labeled “other” never rise above a certain level in this country. For some of us, the American Dream is not for us. The irony and hypocrisy in these types of persons’ attitude toward their fellow human beings here in America shows itself when they wrap themselves in the flag and use the teachings of Jesus to abuse others by taking healthcare from our citizens and snatching food from the mouths of babes along with all of the other anti-Jesus BS they embrace. I’m a Christian, but I don’t recognize the brand of Christianity they practice therefore, I have gotten as far away from them as I can. I’ve also put them on notice on Facebook that I’m not going to cede my Christian beliefs to a political party or politicians, and if they don’t like, they’re free to unfriend me.