
Tonight's Bad Lip Reading Remix: "Interrogating Zuckerberg"

Dr. Matt4/25/2018 9:08:54 am PDT

President Macron delivers stunning rebuke of Trumpism — bashes ‘the illusion of nationalism’ to standing ovation from US Congress

Macron began his speech by discussing the shared history of the United States and France and then moved into a full-throated defense of globalism and freedom.

Macron said the solution is “the opposite of deregulation and extreme nationalism.”

Throughout, he received warm applause from the assembly, including a standing ovation when he said that “the illusion of nationalism” should not be allowed to force the Western world back into the Dark Ages.

He got specific, too.

“I believe we can build the right answers,” he said, “by negotiating through the World Trade Organization… We wrote these rules, we should follow them.”

The Bromance is quickly on the rocks.