
Some Christians Angry at Obama's 'Nonbelievers' Statement

psyop1/25/2009 9:53:55 am PST

re: #182 itellu3times

Aha, so you mean the specifically American religious freedom and society based on Judeo-Christian ideals, was enabled in large part by Greco-Roman ideas of popular governance. OK fine.

It was a little confusing because the western European dependence on Judeo-Christian ideals was much older and flourished under various monarchies as well.

Certainly, but in many cases you could say it flourished in spite of a particular government rather than because of it.

The beauty of America is that it allowed freedom of religion without fear of persecution or domination (philosophically, at least) by the government.

I stand by my original statement that this would make a great argument (not the mean kind, the kind where you argue a point, refine your position, argue again, and hopefully learn a little something!)