
Coulter Speaks to Gay Republicans: 'You're Not Black'

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce9/26/2010 4:24:52 pm PDT

re: #250 Dark_Falcon

The problem is that the laws pertaining to the use of deadly force differ between different jurisdictions and harmonizing them would be extremely difficult.

We can do “difficult”. Remember when we — as a nation — used to identify a problem, and then thoroughly consider all the options and rancorously bitch at each other before eventually arriving at a solution? Yeah, me neither. Why not start now?

Nor am I liking the idea of giving a greater role to the federal government. That last is, admittedly, a political preference of mine.

An optimist would say this:

The ‘federal government’ is not inherently stupid, bureaucratic, wasteful, evil, and awful. But we fill it with people who are. Misanthropes are right: the system is fine, it’s the people who make everything terrible.