
Fox Nation Links to Onion Satire, Readers Don't Get Joke, Go Nuts

๐Ÿˆ Crush White Christian Nationalism ๐Ÿˆ11/26/2010 7:13:48 pm PST

re: #298 Fozzie Bear

I think it would be extremely unwise not to work diligently and expend serious resources to developing necessary technology to do this. There have been mass extinctions before, and there will be again, and we would be foolish to think our future as a species is secure.

Iโ€™m not saying we need to start building space arks or something, I just mean we need to solve the problems involed with actually living in space for whole lifetimes. How to build things, how to mine and refine, how to get necessary elements, etc, etc. And how to do it all without relying on things we take with us from Earth.

If we canโ€™t leave the solar-system, leaving earth doesnโ€™t help. It would be easier to build underwater or underground cities here, or to terraform our own planet after wrecking it.