
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

Talking Point Detective4/03/2012 6:11:30 am PDT

re: #300 Interesting Times

You’re overlooking the following “known unknowns”:

1) Migrating disease vectors (which, thanks to the anti-evolution agenda of the GOP & pharmaceuticals who see no profit in new antibiotics, will be resistant as all-hell)

2) Wars over dwindling resources

3) Genetic engineering fixes that go horribly, horribly, wrong

No - I’m not ignoring them. I’m saying that looking at the estimates of probabilities w/r/t increases in temps per century, 200 years is a fairly short time scale to predict those outcomes on a global scale. It’s possible, but my best guess is that there might be devastating impact regionally in some areas, but not likely globally, and not likely in a country with as many resources as the U.S. For example, conflict that might arise from food shortages could significantly impact populations in 3rd world countries - but not in the U.S. with so much and such highly concentrated military power.