
Video: A Glorious Rant by Rachel Maddow on Media Coverage of Benghazi and Iraq

teleskiguy6/18/2014 9:10:17 pm PDT

re: #302 Dark_Falcon

Which was part of why his daughter didn’t get any traction. Liz Cheney’s support for gay marriage bans struck Wyoming Republicans as dishonest, a pose adopted to placate voters that she didn’t really believe in. That helped sink Liz Cheney as a phony. She should have just taken a pro-gay marriage position and stuck with it. She might not have won with such a position, but it would have at least been seen as honest.

Liz Cheney didn’t have any traction as a Senate candidate because of her obvious carpetbagging. D.C. resident for a couple of decades and all of a sudden she’s a salt-of-the-earth Wyomingite? Give me a break. I’m glad Mike Enzi’s campaign ate Liz’s campaign for breakfast, that proves to me that Republican Wyoming Primary voters aren’t as stupid as I thought.

Then again, I’ll never vote for a Republican today because they’re way too anti-science.