
Trump Defends Tweeting Fake "Black Crime" Statistics: "It Came From a Very Credible Source"

ObserverArt11/24/2015 7:23:52 am PST

Good Morning! Some tidbits from last evening’s Trump Dump in Columbus…from the Columbus Dispatch web site.

One of the main articles on the campaign speech…

Dispatch - Kasich constituents say Trump’s approach appeals to them

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However, many supporters cited Trump’s position as an outsider and his lack of political experience as one of his drawing points.

“(Kasich’s) been a career politician, he’s been a Washington insider and he’s been part of an establishment of the Republican party,” said Caleb Turner, a supporter from West Virginia. “We want a person who will shake Washington up and will bring people together, and it’s only going to take an outsider who will bring people together.”

Other supporters cited Trump’s success as a businessman as one of the reasons for their support.

“I’m not saying that John (Kasich) is not suited at all, what I’m saying is I believe Trump … is more of an economic leader. Trump has proven himself to be one with his wealth and assets and business leadership,” said Gary Larocca, a supporter from Midland, Ohio who originally lived near Kasich’s hometown of McKees Rocks, Pa.

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Dispatch - Ohio Politics Now: Kasich campaign says more to come in attacks against Trump

GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump spoke to a crowd of thousands - 10,000 to 14,000 by different estimates - in Columbus last night, starting his speech first with the requisite O-H, I-O chant and then taking a swipe at fellow candidate and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

“Your governor is only 2 (percent), what happened?” Trump said to loud cheers. “I heard he was dropping out.”

Ahead of the rally, Trump tweeted, “Going to Ohio, home of one of the worst presidential candidates in history—Kasich. Can’t debate, loves #ObamaCare—dummy!”

The two have sparred recently - in debates and on Twitter - with Kasich allies promising attacks ads against billionaire Trump. But his initial comments on Kasich - a name he repeatedly mispronounce, saying Kay-sitch instead of Kay-sick - Trump left the Ohio governor alone.

“The political ruckus surrounding the Trump appearance was more like a campaign event a month before the general election, not one more than 11 months out — and more than two months before the first American casts a ballot in the 2016 race,”

What the Ohio Republican Party said: “After Trump’s hourlong speech on Monday night, Ohio Republican Chairman Matt Borges chastised him for ignoring his backstage admonition not to criticize a governor with a 60 percent-plus approval rating in a state that the GOP must win to regain the White House,” Rowland writes.

“We got to stay away from that stuff or it’s going to cost us the election,” said Borges, who remains officially neutral and pledged to support whoever wins the GOP nomination.

Why people wanted to see Trump: Dispatch reporter Dina Berliner talked to those at the rally and asked why they came out to support Trump.

“For many Ohioans, it’s not that they dislike Gov. John Kasich — it’s just that they like Donald Trump more,” Berliner writes. “Or at least that was the sentiment of many supporters who attended Trump’s first campaign rally in the state on Monday.”

“I like Donald Trump ‘cause he’s for the people, he speaks the truth,” said Sarah Daniels, a Trump supporter from Fremont, Ohio. “He is not here to cater to a certain group, he’s for everybody.”

The typical comments we’ve been seeing. “Oh, he speaks the Truth.” “He is such a great business man.”

Yuck. The Trump Campaign Cancer…it’s spreading. At least the sun is out today…and there was enough of a breeze overnight to carry the Trump stench away.