
Video: Stephen Colbert on That Bombshell New York Times Op-Ed

ipsos9/06/2018 9:04:36 am PDT

re: #290 Belafon

But, I’ll ask this: Why is Nixon doing so well against Cuomo? From what I read, she did well in the debate against him. And where were the other challengers?

Unlike his father, Andrew Cuomo is not a likeable guy. I vote for him because, for the most part, he’s on my side. But it’s never been a very enthusiastic vote. He’s opaque to the media, if not overtly hostile. He’s sometimes really bad when it comes to supporting fellow Democrats, especially when it comes to the mess that is the State Senate and the IDC. He doesn’t get along well at all with deBlasio in NYC. He was very slow out of the gate on same-sex marriage and even more so on marijuana.

Which is to say, I don’t think I’m at all alone in wanting a better Democrat in that office. Whether that’s Nixon or not is a different question.