
Seth "Thorn Birds" Meyers Attic Session: Trump Wants His Coronavirus Failures to Be "Quickly Forgotten"

Nerdy Fish4/10/2020 4:14:26 pm PDT

re: #306 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

This claim, now popular, that various locales had SARS-Cov-2 way back in early fall and thus the majority are immune by now… is on the level of silliness that creationism occupies on the scale of not-even-wrong.

Put simply, given there have been surges in hospitalizations and deaths the past three weeks, proving that Covid-19 is serious and lethal, with our current tested rates, why were there not similar hospitalizations and deaths last fall if so many people were infected?

To work around this, the good Dr. Senator Scott Jensen (R-Carver County, MN) claimed that the asymptomatic rate was some ridiculous number like 80% or 85%.