
Rachael Price in Paradise: Nobody's Stopping You Now [Acoustic in the Garden]

mmmirele1/30/2021 8:53:57 am PST

re: #177 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

There’s a show on early morning Saturday’s called Knit & Crochet (then, several on sewing, I love watching them even tho I don’t do any of them any longer). Anyway, I just watched a big burly dude in a plaid shirt teaching knitting. That’s kinda crazy.

Oh and the sewing machines they use generally run $3000-$5000 dollars. Fully computerized. Plug in what your want and they do the rest. Half the time the human isn’t even needed.

I feel so old.

I don’t understand why you’d sew with a computerized machine. It’s like taking all the fun out of sewing. I have (actually my mother “borrowed” it back) a 1959 Husqvarna Viking sewing machine, one of the first with an actual integrated zig-zag stitch function. My dad bought it for my mother for their first Christmas together and it cost a whopping $300. It was a very good investment, that thing is built like a *tank*. Not that many bells and whistles, it has cams for different stitch patterns. My mother used that sewing machine to whip up clothes, curtains, all sorts of things when we were kids. I’ve used it to make clothes. I need to get it back.