
Sarah Palin Derp of the Day

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance5/04/2011 2:14:18 pm PDT

re: #300 SidewaysQuark

To be honest, I wish our good host Charles would once in a while deride the still-rampant idiocy of the far left, as well, such as left-leaning radio talk show host Mike Malloy’s recent comment that Navy Seals should take out ex-President G W Bush.


The far right might be the biggest bastion of idiocy in the country now, but they sure aren’t alone.

Since when was Malloy running for president or a former candidate for vice president? Is he ever on national TV as a supposed “respected” commentator? Does he have an audience of millions? Does he have a TV network he can go on that spews the same thing?

magical balance fairy is not amused.