
New Obama Web Ad feat. Lena Dunham Sends Right Wing into Fainting Couch Frenzy

Targetpractice10/25/2012 9:16:28 pm PDT

re: #303 Joanne

I don’t get it. Splain please.

Very liberal Democrat daughter, staunch Republican father. The two constantly spar over political philosophy.

During one discussion, father moves conversation to daughter’s GPA. She says she has a 4.0 because she studies all the time, leaving her no time to party or have a social life.

Father then asks her about her roommate. She says her roomie is barely getting by with a 2.0, because she parties all the times and is really popular on campus.

He asks her why she doesn’t go to the Dean and ask for 1.0 to be redistributed from her GPA to her roommate’s so that they can both have a 3.0 GPA. Daughter fires back that that wouldn’t be fair, because she worked real hard for her GPA.

Father quips “Welcome to the Republican Party.”