
Jeb Bush Is a Fan of "Scientific Racist" Charles Murray

Reality Based Steve4/30/2015 8:17:01 pm PDT

re: #302 calochortus

We put a few tablespoons of boric acid and sugar water in those cheap semi-disposable plastic cup size containers. Make a couple decent size holes in the cover, and leave a little solution on the top to help the ants get the idea. Works for us.
You can also try disrupting their trails by cleaning the trails thoroughly to remove the scent they lay down.

The lemon Clorox wipes do a great job of that.

We had a bad experience in the shop on Friday. I got in first, coffee maker was all set up with water, so I put coffee in, hit the button and went off to get the opening chores done.

Owner and his wife come in, and there a ton of little ants running out of the coffee maker. Apparently a soda can had leaked under the counter, and that attracted them in. We still aren’t sure why they decided to make the coffee maker home however.

Needless to say, we got a new coffee maker that afternoon. We figured that spraying it down with ant killer probably wasn’t a good idea overall.