
The Trump Campaign in a Nutshell: Kicks Out Mexican-American Reporter, Says "Go Back to Univision"

KiTA8/25/2015 7:35:47 pm PDT

re: #282 teleskiguy

Don’t fucking comment on my comments asshole. Just don’t. You’re a neckbeard fuckhole piece of shit. Fuck off.

I’m covering that downstairs, but I’ll bring it up here.

The definition I was given for “Rape Culture” was the literal definition as presented to me — “a culture that glorifies rape.” I don’t feel that we have such a culture, However, this is apparently woefully inadequate compared to the actual definition of the term as used, which apparently is multifaceted and includes a host of types of misogyny and attacks on victims.

Given that the subcultures I’ve been involved with have been harassed (up to and including death and bomb threats) by trolls from SomethingAwful and GNAA pretending to be “third wave” feminists, I probably have a slanted, reactionary response to the term.

I’d like to educate myself about this, so I don’t come across as such a “neckbeard” when I genuinely do identify as a feminist and believe in equal rights.

So. I asked klys downstairs, I’ll put the question out to everyone in here: Does anyone have any reading material on rape culture, a more realistic definition of such, examples of it in our culture, et cetera. I’m willing to read with an open mind since it’s obvious I’m on a completely different page than the rest of us.