
Video: Once Again, the Clinton Campaign Uses Donald Trump's Awful Words Against Him

The Ghost of a Flea10/07/2016 8:20:58 pm PDT

Social biology pseudoprofundity is just so fucking creepy and dumb, but it’s especially creepy around sex and gender.

Because at some point it’s all about claiming there’s some Sex MacGuffin where the SAPIENT human woman and her thoughts and feeling can be ignored because of some vague wharblegarble about instincts and ethology models. Which is why they can keep insisting that their theories are perfect even as most women are just like “WTF? No.” …and ultimately why so many of them are okay with sexual assault and rape.

Also, alpha male my sweet ass. Magically pudgy fuckers with no fight are suddenly “alphas” because fundamental lizard-brain ganglions are responsive to monetary standards…because.