
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Trump Signs an Order Denying Asylum to Muslims Fleeing ISIS

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/27/2017 9:04:36 pm PST

re: #301 austin_blue

I’ve seen photos of Treblinka survivors who had more meat on their bones than that kid.

May all that is human save him. May all that is human save us for not saving him. We have become monsters, led by our shit-gibbon overlord.

I did not become a monster, despite what a few thousand people in three states did on Election Day. I’m pretty sure none of did here, at Democratic Underground, at Wonkette, at Daily Kos, or many other places.

The trick is to not do what German citizens did in Weimar Germany and go with the flow, hoping Mr. Hitler would moderate his tone. (The New York Times had an article shortly after Hitler was elected that I can’t find now, that said Hitler just said the things he needed to so he could win, and would moderate his rhetoric. Turns out, the New York Times was a fascist apologist newspaper then, too.)

I will not go silently into the night.