
Some More News: Why Spotify Is Bad for Music [VIDEO]

Jay C3/07/2022 7:55:01 am PST

re: #297 No Malarkey!

I don’t think Ukraine will, because I don’t think Russia can sustain its war effort for long. It’s army is bogged down and running out of supplies, and its economy is collapsing. I would understand if Zelenskyy caved to such demands immediately to end the bllodshed and destruction, but he isn’t, and the longer this war goes on, the closer we come to what feels like will be Russia’s inevitable defeat.

Yeah, I hear you: but facts on the ground are another thing: and there’s a lot of nominally “Ukrainian” ground hosting a lot of Russian boots.
Personally, I think the Crimea is lost to them; the more salient “post-war” issues are likely to be 1) reparations for damage done, and 2) the disposition of the Donetsk and Luhansk “republics”: which, AFAIK, are still populated mostly by “Russians”, and where the authority of the Kyiv government hasn’t run in years.