
France Loves Creationism (Because It Makes Americans Look Stupid)

Kosh's Shadow2/12/2009 7:40:34 pm PST

re: #274 avanti

And they might look at us like cute little critters that play with crude toys. I once read a article about how wrong headed the search for E.T. might be. It might turn out as badly as what happened to “savage” populations on earth that were wiped out by only slightly more advanced invaders.

Interstellar travel is likely to be quite expensive, so we might not see fleets of spacecraft, but it wouldn’t take much to destroy us if aliens wanted to.
A novel I’m working on involves basically the aliens tricking ourselves into destroying our own civilization. It is meant, though, to point out what we’re doing to ourselves even without aliens tricking us. Unless Al Gore really is an alien.