
CPAC Live Video 1

FrogMarch2/26/2009 6:53:44 pm PST

re: #258 Sharmuta

Personally, what I would like to see a a move in the party to reform the very method of how Washington spends our money. No more baseline budgeting; programs allowed to spend thrifty where they can and save their own budgetary allotments and carry them over into the next year. Allow government to spend it’s money like a real business would have to. I think a government that spends wisely would be a reform movement many Americans could get behind because it’s just common sense.

I like that idea. The problem with it is that it involves common sense. The other problem is that most politicians don’t actually know how to run a business. One of the reasons they are politicians - is that they could never make it the private sector. I think we need to add a requirement to office holders: You must run a successful small or medium sized business and actually create a job, a product, or a service, and then pay the taxes involved in doing so.

Our entrenched non-term limited congress will never agree to that.
Too power hungry, too soft, too lobby-pimped.