
'Nirth Certifikit' Kooks Get a Write-Up at Politico

jcm3/01/2009 5:04:11 pm PST

re: #285 avanti

You guys really need to stop confusing local weather events with climate change trends. It just makes it you look like you look like you don’t understand the science. Snow fall may go up or down as temps rise or fall, and some days, weeks or months may be warmer or colder in certain areas, but it’s world wide trends to watch. If it hits 10 degrees tomorrow in Atlanta it won’t erase 100 years of climate change in 24 hours.

Were making fun of Hansen.

In October, two independent monitors at Watts Up With That and Climate Audit, performed their own detailed analysis of Hansen’s reported data. What they found should disturb us all. They discovered that the GISS readings from across a swathe of Russia that appeared to reveal a warming of 10 degrees above average were not readings for October at all. They were a repeat of September’s readings.

Hansen then attacked those who found the problems with his data saying they would confuse the people about the real issue.