
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

3kids3dogs11/02/2009 6:32:14 pm PST

re: #298 iceweasel

Same here. i almost literally find it unbelievable. It was such a central concern that even McCain had to promise some form of it. I don’t understand how people missed that — unless they were never very interested in the platform of either candidate, or the issues involved, as opposed to sheer partisan loyalty. (without even knowing what the party officially endorsed). Mindboggling.

And I’d agree that it was one of the main reasons people voted for him, just as it’s one of the main reasons why the GOP seeks to block it at all costs. they know perfectly well that passing any is going to translate into electoral success for the Dems for a long time to come— just as enacting Social Security did. that’s why we’re even seeing the return of the same arguments made then: it will socialise the nation, etc.

I’m often amazed at how often what was old is new again. Many of the arguments against gays in the military are the same that were used against intergrating the military. Some of the arguments that were used against interracial marriage are now used against gay marriage.