
Overnight Bird

lawhawk11/18/2009 6:56:34 am PST

re: #292 MandyManners

Obama’s ignorance and/or purposefully choosing sides is going to be very dangerous. Housing has never been an obstacle to peace; Palestinian refusal to accept a Jewish state of Israel in any border format is the obstacle to peace.

They’ve refused to accept pre-67 borders. They refused the 1948 borders. They refuse the Balfour Declaration, and whereas every other nation on earth whose borders have been formed in war and are generally indisputable, Israel’s borders are apparently negotiable and subject to the whims of American pressure.

Mind you, the Palestinians never had a country of their own at any time in the history of the region; the Ottomans considered the region a backwater, and their defeat gave the British dominion. That resulted in the breakup of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the modern Middle East borders; countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, are mere years older than that of Israel, and yet Israel is the castigated one.