
Video: Climate Deniers Love the 70s

iceweasel12/17/2009 10:04:39 pm PST

re: #303 Stanley Sea

Hi all!

I loved loved loved the 80’s. I still like the music, and remember the bands I saw live before they were big. I saw the B-52’s in 1979 (ok, not the 80’s) We drove an hour to the venue on a school night, dressed up as wild as we could imagine (dyed hair purple, thrift store clothes) and were freaking out the whole way. Arrived and we were about the tamest people there. Another time I was front row at a tiny bar for the Ramones. I was basically crushed against the stage in front of Dee Dee. Ahhh the memories.


The B52’s - Love Shack

Thrift store clothes! I remember….yikes. Wow I wore some hideous stuff.
I bleached my hair platinum blonde right before being sent to catholic school, but that’s another story.