
Fox Refuses Climate Legislation Ad

enigma35355/05/2010 7:42:32 pm PDT

IMHO, Fox New’s business model is genius.

Polling appears to indicate that between 10% and 25% of the US populace is typically hard, right-wing on any given issue [no matter how extreme].

The aforementioned segment of the US populace appears to be predisposed to want [even demand] a news source that speaks to their world view … if that news source is “respected”; all the better.

If any news source secures the dogmatic viewership of even 5% of the US populace, their typical rolling audience is 15 million regular viewers …

Take the leakers into account, and Fox should have the best ratings.

Which they do.

If one is surprised or derives some level of entitlement regarding one’s views owing to the fact that Fox rules … IMHO, you, sir or madam, are delusional.

“Fox news” is a carefully articulated set of meme’s designed to drive ratings and profits.

Awesome as it may be from a capitalist perspective, IMHO, it is dangerous from a populist perspective; and very dangerous to a functional democracy.