
Assange Arrest Imminent

Dark_Falcon12/02/2010 9:29:58 pm PST

re: #303 Stanley Sea

Did you read the Bristol/Willow Face book rant against their friend who dared to criticizes the Mom’s show?

All wtf, bc, faggot, c you, you loser, etc.

No words iike CANARD! lol. (there were more big words, but that one, hello, made me laugh. I don’t use canard!!!)

Why don’t we call them out for their bullshit? Their being a victim has won over common sense.

That was all Willow, as I understand it. Also, I don’t see Bristol’s post as bullshit. Olbermann went after her more little reason and was being as ass, and she called him on it. That doesn’t bother me at all.