
The Most Incoherent Donald Trump Excuse Yet

Blind Frog Belly White4/02/2016 10:08:58 am PDT

re: #303 lawhawk

I’m not a big Pony car fan, but having driven one (auto, never drove stick before), I am hooked on the Mustang. Actually, the Mrs. is a big Mustang fan than I am. Huge. I think her midlife crisis car is going to be a Mustang. I think accelerating from a stop to highway speed in like no time at all was what did it (though I think I’d still take a Tesla with the insane speed package).

I, however, love the look of the Dodge Chargers, but think that mechanically, they suck badly like most other Dodge or Chrysler products these days. Reliability just isn’t their thing. Style wise they are purty, but they look best on the driveway.

/fightin’ words.

Also, FORD = Fixed Or Repaired Daily. :-P