
Countdown to Trump Freakout: New York Times Publishes Op-Ed by Anonymous Administration Member: "Unstable, Half-Baked, Ill-Informed, Reckless"

Blind Frog Belly White9/05/2018 5:39:14 pm PDT

re: #298 Bass Reeves

Did we get a pic of Dory today?

Nothing really new, but there’s this outtake from the ‘Invisible Dory’ photo shoot….

Plus a Dory Story - yesterday, Dory discovered Jalapeno Sky Raisins. No, she didn’t EAT a bee, but she did step on one. According to Mrs. FBW, she squealed and rolled around frantically, biting at her foot. Mrs. FBW and The Younger Boy were too panicked to do more than pick her up and bring her inside, where The Older Boy, with the sang froid he inherited from me, was able to find and extract the stinger.

Her paw swelled up a little, and she walked off it a bit for a while, but it barely slowed her down. But she did NOT pounce on the bee she saw in the grass this morning.