
An Absolute Monster From King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: "Gaia" (Live 2023)

Randall Gross5/30/2023 10:17:11 am PDT

re: #291 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

my normal totally resting rate is 44
sitting at my desk is about 55. (60 if im pissed at a client or website)
fast walking (which i was doing at the time) is in the 80’s

Those are pretty low, mine hovers near the 60’s when at rest, and gets up to 90-110 with exercise on my new heart and blood pressure meds, but not too long ago I was capping at 155 using 10 bpm under the recommended rate for my age. It has to be all that exercise you get, you are like Lance Armstrong without the blood doping.
During my low oxygen/hemoglobin bout I was hitting the 220’s and not feeling so great.