
Pittsburgh Cop-Killer Was Conspiracy Nut and Member of Stormfront

pink freud4/05/2009 10:41:00 am PDT

re: #277 scottishbuzzsaw

Maybe avanti meat to say “fear” …..’the fear is more widespread than I recall.’

Because more than hatred I am seeing FEAR of 0bama, of what he is doing and the breakneck speed at which he is doing it. FEAR of what will happen to hard-working people just going about t heir daily lives, FEAR of what will happen to their children, DEAR of the world their children and their grandchildren will inherit.

There was no fear of Bush in this manner. Sure the left hated him, but they knew he wouldn’t re-write the basic rules for American life.

They also knew no matter what, he would PROTECT them.

0bama is throwing us to the wolves himself.