
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

cliffster11/02/2009 6:34:43 pm PST

re: #304 iceweasel

No, they do want reform. Polls are being worded in such a way as to ask them if they want death panels and to ‘socialise’ health care, and they say no.
The actual reforms proposed will do nothing of the sort.

I do know that you believe strongly in your position, so labeling the “reform” as socialism or not is immaterial to you, and that’s good. Labels are often used as scare tactics.

However, I don’t believe people want the reform, especially as is being presented, and I think that the WH & dems are pulling out all the stops to make it seem like there’s great demand for it.

From my observation most polls say that people don’t want this to pass. Do you have evidence that these polls are worded in the way you’re saying? I’m not saying are there any polls worded like this, because you can probably find them and soil the topic. I’m saying, evidence that most of the polls showing contrary sentiment being worded like this?

And - yes, this bill represents yet another step towards socialism. And in this case, it’s not even baby steps.