
Tea Partiers Threatening Violence? Where?

Escaped Hillbilly3/21/2010 12:37:04 pm PDT

re: #279 windsagio

I promised to shut up, so forgive me just one more, then really I will, really. I know many are swamped. That means there are too many people in need of service. Unfortunately, the way funding is directed and utilized, there is very little incentive to create and effectively run programs that get people permanantly off the roles (except by icking them off ready or not). It is not the fault of the poor overworked social worker filling out the forms in their cubicles. It is all the pointy haired bosses out there who don’t want their departments or their budgets shrinking. When I was a drug and alcohol counselor we had similar problems. Really getting people well is the goal of the street level workers, not the administrators.