
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Rant

friarstale11/16/2010 4:14:14 pm PST

re: #9 engineer dog

the right thinks obama is a communist, the left thinks he’s a republican - the poor man can’t catch a break

lol, this is so true
it’s tough to try to govern from the center, everyone hates you

Obama is not doing that bad a job, considering the cards he was dealt
it’s a difficult time for any party

in my opinion, we have reached Keynes’ “long run”

deficit spending was seen as a bad thing, because in the long run it would lead to a difficult day of reckoning, when the bills would have to be paid, but, Keynes said, “In the long run we are all dead”

well, here we are at the end of the long run
Keynes is dead, but we, the living are stuck figuring out how to pay the bills now that our manufacturing base has left the country for cheaper labor countries

The PIGS are going bankrupt first, but all the western democracies who have been running their countries in continual deficit spending may fall into the same hard times

what will they do?

and it can’t be blamed on one man, or on one party