
More Than a Quarter of Republicans Believe Anti-Govt Violence Can Be Justified

KingKenrod1/11/2011 8:00:24 pm PST

re: #196 rwmofo

So at this point it’s painfully obvious that politics—or more to the point—the Republican Party had nothing to do with the murders in AZ last weekend. But even more obvious is the increasing disappointment we see from the media/Democrat party since they can’t hang this on Republicans, Sarah Palin, Rush, Newt, or any well-know conservative.

The media/Democrat party needs something, anything to reverse the 2010 election results. They’ve twisted themselves into knots trying to spin this, but much to their chagrin, their viewers/readers aren’t buying it. And, of course, they’re still pissed at the voters.

The media/Democrat party really, really wanted violence to break out at a Tea Party event. That would have been the topping on the dessert they were trying to push in the run-up to the last election. Damn! Didn’t happen.

One last point. Why does it seem that the “right-wing” is in such a frenzy over this? Simple. Conservatives get pissed off when people lie. Conversely, liberals get pissed off when we tell the truth.

They’re in a frenzy because people are pointing out their bad behavior at a time when emotions are running high, and that means the label might finally stick. No one wants to become the standard bearer for political instability.

The left can be faulted for pouncing too quick on this. I’m not surprised they’re eager to push back since they’ve recently suffered a humiliating defeat. There’s clearly some opportunism here.

But guess what? Politics is all about making the most out of opportunity. The radical right showed their ass, they deserve to get it kicked.