
The Giant Breitbart Awakes

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/29/2012 12:51:24 am PDT

One decision that slid under the radar most of Thursday:

Supreme Court strikes down Stolen Valor Act

The Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a federal law that makes it a crime to lie about being a military hero. In fact, the justices ruled that many lies are protected by the First Amendment.

The 6-3 ruling came in a case involving Xavier Alvarez, a former local elected official who at a 2007 water-board meeting in Southern California falsely claimed he had served as a Marine and received a Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military decoration.

Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing for the majority, said the First Amendment “protects the speech we detest as well as the speech we embrace.”

The ruling is one of several recent Supreme Court rulings dealing with the First Amendment that would seem to go against public sentiment. As Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the dissenting opinion, the law was “enacted to stem an epidemic of false claims about military decorations” that “were undermining our country’s system of military honors and inflicting real harm on actual medal recipients and their families.”


The three dissenters were of course Alito, Scalio, and Thomas.

I think the majority were obviously correct (political speech is protected, even if it is unpleasant, and this has been upheld many times before.) How many times does this idea have to be rerun?