
Highly Recommended: Michele Catalano: The March to War and Back

Rightwingconspirator3/19/2013 5:26:24 pm PDT

re: #300 calochortus

9/11 was shocking, but I can’t say I was panicked. Granted, I live on the west coast and it was probably much scarier for those in the NY/DC area, but I can’t imagine still being panicked 2 years later. Fearful, maybe, but not panicked. And that fear was cultivated by the neo-cons. Something I find hard to forgive.

Great point, I did however mean our national policy became panicked. Individually we were just not in a mental place to object much. Few of us anyway. Of course if Iraq had had WMD’s we would all feel better about that, but (hopefully) just as awful about the aftermath for Iraq. I do not think that would have been any better if we had found everything they said was there. Those people were screwed no matter what. Damn.