
WaPo Fact-Checker Says Obama "Got Away With" Stating a Fact

Kragar5/14/2013 1:17:14 pm PDT

Rep. Tom Price: U.S. Government ‘No Longer Has The Consent of the Governed’

Rep. Tom Price, Republican of Georgia, has what you might call a loose grip on the truth. In just the last year, for instance, he has cited a sham study to attack Obamacare, warned about the health and economic impacts of gay rights, and declared that “there is not one woman” without access to birth control.

He has also shown a penchant for Tea Party “America is doomed” rhetoric, such as his warning last year that the Affordable Care Act “removes the very freedom and liberty that our founders fought for at its very core” and will destroy “the America that you and I love.”

Price combined these two traits in an interview with conservative bloggers at Red State today, in which he completely made up facts about the stimulus bill and the deaths of dimplomats in Benghazi in order to argue that the Obama administration has “led to what many people have called a government that no longer has the consent of the governed.” This missing trust, he says, is what “allows a democracy to stand.”