
Stephen Colbert Dons the Sweater Vest and Interviews Rick Santorum

Eclectic Cyborg11/20/2013 11:34:12 am PST

McDonald’s tells their employees to sell Christmas gifts, sing and go to church to get by

Wage advocates Low Pay is Not OK have made a video ridiculing McDonald’s for posting a holiday survival guide on their McResources website.

Among the golden nuggets of advice:

• Take a holiday - it will reduce your risk of heart attack by 50 per cent

• Sell your unopened Christmas presents online to make some “quick cash”

• Sing to lower your blood pressure

• Cut your food into smaller bites to make it last longer

• Use olive oil to prevent the blues

• Quit complaining, it only increases your stress

And from a different story on the same issue:

These and other tips appear on a “McResource Line” website created by the McDonald’s Corp. to advise workers on stress, health and personal finances. Among the tips that appear on the site:

“Chewing gum can reduce cortisol levels by 16%”; “At least two vacations a year can cut heart attack risk by 50%”

“Singing along to your favorite songs can lower your blood pressure”

“People who attend more church services tend to have lower blood pressure.”

The site also offers dietary tips for physical and mental health: “The tryptophan in cheese will increase serotonin levels and boost your mood”; “Trans fats raise the risk of depression, while olive oil can prevent the blues” and “Breaking food into pieces often results in eating less and still feeling full.”

Time to fire the people who thought it was a good idea to present employees with these boneheaded tips. It’s like some clueless exec told some intern to do Google searches for tips and compile the results into something they could pass on to front line workers.