
NSA Responds to FOIA Request: No Record of Snowden Challenging Spying

lawhawk6/26/2014 12:55:23 pm PDT

Email. How does it work. Send email to someone, and it will generate a copy of the email request (that will generally appear in your sent email folder).

You’d think that something this important would be protected by Snowden at all costs since it goes to the heart of his whistleblower claims.

But that there’s no evidence he ever sent any email questioning the NSA activities as being illegal tells you that this is a retcon of his actual intent - to steal classified data from the NSA and abscond with it to a foreign country.

That’s not the mark of a whistleblower, but someone engaging in espionage.

So, for all Greenwald’s bloviation and dudebrosplain’, Snowden committed crimes, and he remains answerable for them - and he’s no hero for exposing NSA programs that have nothing to do with violations of US civil rights.