
The "UN Police" MRAP That Wasn't

Orange Impostor6/28/2014 2:36:34 am PDT

Today is the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I.

The BBC is doing an “as it happened” newsfeed on their website:

1914 Live: History retold as breaking news

BBC News is used to reporting breaking news around the world. It’s what we do, part of the reason for our very existence. So if there were to be an assassination of a prominent European leader today, we would want to be there, reporting live. And audiences expect to consume breaking news in a live blog environment which is why we wanted to experiment with revealing history in this way.

This was the idea behind 1914 Live as the BBC’s First World War season reaches the first significant anniversary.

We would use all the techniques of breaking news in 2014 to report on events from Sarajevo 100 years ago, particularly the BBC’s Live format used to great effect during the World Cup and Queen’s Baton Relay. And we would do it by using BBC correspondents in their familiar roles. Watch the trailer here.

“Live” feed here: